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REACH UP srl is dedicated to Chemical Regulatory Affairs and Product Safety.
Since the entry in force of the Regulation (EC 1907/2006), REACH UP srl provides assistance to customers in meeting the REACH regulatory requirements.  By the time we have gained the experience required to provide all related services: from chemicals identification management, to risk assessment and dossier compilation.

REACH UP srl also participates in administrative activities and scientific discussions at consortium level.

We also provide advisory and assistance to customers in fulfilling the regulatory obbligations related to REACH, such as the management of the Classification and Labeling (CLP Regulation), the production of SDS and extended SDS with preparation and ceck of exposure scenarios.

We have also implemented our skills in managing the authorization of Biocides products (BPR Regulation), the drafting and updating of PIFs for cosmetic products.

We can provide services for pharmaceuticals, food contact materials (FCM) and food products.

We can offer to our customers the services of our partner laboratories to provide testing activities with the best available technologies, taking care of the monitoring of the protocols and management of the results.

download Merieux brochure

The detail of our services is better described in the pages dedicated to each category of substances.

 Our portfolio includes:

- General advice

- Registration strategies

- Monitoring of testing activities